NEWS Finance        20/04/2020

Turkey’s central administration gross debt stock is USD 222.5 billion in March 2020

According to figures prepared by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Turkey’s central administration gross debt was Turkish liras 1,462 billion (USD 222.5 billion) as of March 31st, 2020, an increase of 3.7% compared to the previous month in Turkish lira value.


This debt stock represents the outstanding debt of public sector institutions and the Central Bank. The US dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate was TL 6.57 at the end of March 2020, TL 6.23 at the end of February 2020, TL 5.98 at the end of January 2020, and TL 5.94 at the end of December 2019.


Of the total gross debt stock, TL 684.6 billion (USD 104.2 billion), or 46.8%, was denominated in Turkish liras while TL 777.4 billion (USD 118.3 billion), or 53.2%, was in foreign currency. 


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