According to figures prepared by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Turkey’s gross external debt stock stood at USD 421.8 billion as of June 30th, 2020, 56.8% of Turkey’s GDP, and the net external debt stock stood at USD 244.3 billion, 32.9% of GDP. The private sector’s share in the country’s gross external debt stock was 56.6% at USD 238.9 billion, and 29.3% of the total gross external debt of the country consisted of short-term debts (with a maturity of less than one year).
State net debt stock was given as TL 924.3 billion (USD 134.9 billion), 20.6% of GDP, and EU-defined general government debt stock was TL 1,767.6 billion (USD 258 billion), 39.4% of GDP, as of June 30th, 2020.
Treasury guaranteed external debt stock was USD 14 billion as of the end of June 30th, 2020.