BUSINESS Trade Associations in Turkey
MUSIAD (Association of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen)
MUSIAD was established in Istanbul in 1990. The association currently has some 7,500 members with 76 representatives throughout Turkey and four overseas. In the 1980s, the Turkish economy’s liberalization helped small Anatolian companies grow and prove themselves as successful business enterprises. However, those businesses could not initially make it into TUSIAD, the most prestigious association for Turkish businessmen. Commonly referred to as the “Anatolian Tigers,” these businesses then formed other associations, of which the most well-known was MUSIAD.
Istanbul Chamber of Industry
The Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) was founded in 1952 with the written request of some 750 industrialists. Today, it is the largest and most well established chamber of industries in Turkey with over 17,000 members.
* Industrial production of members of ISO corresponds to about 34 % of Turkey’s total industrial production.
* ISO’s member corporations employ more than 15 % of the total number of people employed by the Turkish industrial sector.
* 84.7 % of ISO members are small businesses employing less than 50 personnel, 13.2 % are middle sized businesses employing between 50 and 249 personnel, and 2.1 % are large sized businesses employing 250 and more personnel.
* ISO members are mostly concentrated in the clothing, leather and leather products sector with a total of 25.1 %; followed by machinery, spare parts and metal goods manufacturing with 14.1 %; chemical, plastic and rubber products with 12.7 %; and textile products manufacturing with 12.2 %.
* In 2012, 198 of the largest 500 industrial companies in Turkey were members of ISO. Of the next 500 largest industrial companies in Turkey, 184 members were ISO members. ISO members represented 38 % of the largest 1000 largest industrial companies in Turkey in 2012.
* ISO publishes annually its list of the top 500 industrial companies in Turkey. This list is published mid-year based on figures as of the end of the previous year.

Turkish Wind Energy Association
Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA), established by the Council of Ministers in 1992, is a technical non-profit association which aims to encourage the development and use of wind energy in Turkey by closely following and compiling latest research work in wind energy, and acting as a forum to sharing latest technological and commercial developments through activities such as seminars, conferences, and publications.
TWEA works closely with the General Directorate of Renewable Energy (EIE), Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEİAŞ), Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and the Ministry of Energy to promote Turkey’s potential to make the best use of wind energy opportunities. TWEA is a member of The European Wind Energy Association.
Yased - International Investors Association
Yased represents the major foreign capital companies in Turkey. It plays an important role in discussions with the Turkish government with regard matters relating to foreign capital investment in Turkey.
Yased has more than 200 members with direct capital investments in Turkey, and represents a substantial part of the total foreign direct investment in the country. Each of Yased's members is a pioneer in its respective sector.
Yased's most important priority is to ensure a sustainable and competitive investment environment in Turkey by removing obstacles to investments, and promoting fair and equal opportunities for doing business.

DEİK (Foreign Economic Relations Board),
Under the auspices of TOBB, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, was founded in 1986 to support the Turkish private sector in improving its relations with foreign countries and international organisations. DEİK has some 750 member companies, 115 business councils, 148 Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Stock Exchange representatives, and three representative offices abroad.
TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry & Business Association)
TÜSİAD was founded in 1971 among the largest Turkish industrialists and businessmen with the aim of ensuring that they maintained more influence over the decisions of the Turkish government and that they presented a more coordinated defence of their common interests. TÜSİAD is a non-commercial independent organisation and a voluntary based civil society organisation. TÜSİAD carries out research work on economic and financial issues in addition to other subjects such as public relations, performs publication work, and helps to ensure that public opinion is kept correctly informed. TÜSİAD organises every year analytical meetings on a wide range of subjects. Members, administrators, university academic staff and public officials have the opportunity of sharing their opinions and thoughts at these meetings.

TSB - Insurance Association of Turkey
The Insurance Association of Turkey is a non-governmental institution established by law, of which all local and foreign insurance, reinsurance and pension companies operating in Turkey are required to be members. The Association currently has a total of 69 members, including 39 insurance companies, 19 pension companies, 5 life insurance companies and 1 reinsurance company which are actively operating. The remaining 4 insurance companies and 1 reinsurance company are not authorised to offer contracts.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Turkey
IEIS was established in 1964 to improve and bolster business conditions of its members and to contribute to the development of healthcare policies
in Turkey. IEIS has 58 local and multinational members who are primarily involved in pharmaceutical production. The association caters to a diverse
group of companies with different business interests stretching from originator products to branded generics, manufacturing and importing of
pharmaceuticals and active ingredients, marketing of biological products (blood products, vaccines, etc.) as well as contract manufacturers.